Kim Wendy Allen

Kim Wendy Allen was 19 years old at the time of her death. She, by all accounts was a happy sociable art student at Santa Rosa Junior College.

On March 4th, 1972 Kim’s shift ended at a natural food store where she worked in Larkspur. So, as she had no car and public transportation was unreliable at best, her other option was to hitchhike back up to Santa Rosa to her home on Guernville road.

At around 5:30pm, Allen accepted a ride from two men (later ruled out as suspects) who said they took her as far as the Belle Ave and 101 intersection. From there Kim must have been picked up by her killer(s).

Kim Wendy Allen’s nude body was found the next day (March 5th) by hikers down an embankment in a creek bed off Enterprise Road at the intersection of Bennett Valley Road.

She had been sexually assaulted, tortured and strangled to death over a period of 30 minutes by a wire around her neck, she died this way sometime around midnight. An oily substance was found on her side that was thought to have been from a metal shop. Ligature marks were found on her arms and legs that indicated she had also at one time in the hours before her murder, been tied spread eagle.

A single gold hoop earring was found at the scene that was not known to have belonged to Kim. But by far the most important piece of evidence was DNA from the possible perpetrator. It is in the process of being tested as of 2018.

As with most of these murders it is not known whether this so called “witch symbol” was found at the scene.

Kim Wendy Allen had many personal effects with her the day of her murder, which include:

  • A 19 lb soy barrel with red Chinese characters
  • a large orange aluminium framed back pack,
  • A single gold plastic barrette
  • a three quarter length beige coat
  • an ankle length blue floral print skirt
  • blue jeans
  • a oval turquoise and silver ring
  • a 24 inch long necklace made from drift wood, moss, seashells, eucalyptus buttons, seeds and seaweed.
  • a 24 inch long blue straw bag,
  • a green cloth purse with an Indian design.
  • Two checks
  • A Rosenburg’s department store charge card with her name on it
  • A check book

Several weeks later Kim’s back pack was found and her checkbook was deposited in a drive up mailbox across from the Kentfield Post Office on March 24th. Finger prints were found on the check book but it was never revealed if they were viable or not. None of the other belongings were ever recovered.

A 12 inch long 14 inch deep impression in the loam was noted about 10 feet down the 20 foot embankment where Kim was found, indicating that her killer(s) may have fallen when they were disposing of her body, possibly injuring themselves. Police reported this because if anyone showed up in a hospital or anywhere else around March 5th, 1972 with an injured leg or arm, they wanted to know.

It is important to note what the victims of these murders were wearing or had with them when they were last seen alive. Serial killers often keep souvenirs from their victims, or take clothing and jewelry to sell or reuse as gifts for friends and family. Both Ted Bundy, Michael D’Angelo and Richard Ramirez participated in this behavior.

If you recall seeing or receiving any items that match any of Kim Wendy Allen’s missing possessions around 1972, it’s important to remember where you saw them or who you saw them with.

Although it’s been nearly 50 years since Kim Allen’s murder there are many many people who want to see justice for her and all the victims of the Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murderer.

If you have any questions or more information on Kim Wendy Allen, please contact:


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